Q: Is there a way to remove perspiration stains?

A: Stains from perspiration are usually found on the underarm area of a garment. However, any area that contacts the body may have such stains. Perspiration contains fats, oils, and moisture containing impurities that may vary from one person to another. The stain may be invisible at first but with age and the heat of finishing after cleaning will oxidize and turn yellow. An untreated perspiration stain on silk may cause the fabric to become severely tendered and to deteriorate.

In the case of a drycleanable garment, the remaining stain often contains water-soluble impurities and can usually be removed by your drycleaner. Your drycleaner uses special detergents and formulas to remove perspiration stains. These procedures, however, may cause shrinkage or texture change in your garment. Thus, your drycleaner may ask for your consent before attempting stain removal.

Consumers can control and often prevent damage from perspiration by performing frequent cleaning and stain removal and/or by wearing antiperspirants, perspiration shields, or undergarments.