Garment Analysis
International Textile Analysis Laboratory

The International Textile Analysis Laboratory (ITAL) is the damaged garment testing division of the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI). ITAL’s objective is to analyze damaged garments and determine how the items were damaged or why it failed to perform, and with whom the responsibility lies.
ITAL analysts use expert knowledge of fabric and care processes combined with appropriate test methods to render a final report with conclusions. The laboratory provides answers to common garment problems such as color loss, stains, and shrinkage.
In addition to the fabricare industry ITAL Analsyis is available to many related industries concerned with clothes and textile production, sales, and care. These include Better Business Bureaus, consumer protection agencies, garment manufacturers, retailers, designers, and educators.
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ITAL Analysis is a DLI members only service.

"I've relied on DLI for over 20 years to help me run my business. They have trained me, analyzed garments for me, kept me abreast of government issues, and most importantly, been by my side through the worst times the cleaning industry has seen."
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