Drycleaning & Laundry Institute Offers 10 More Learning and Networking Opportunities This Month

The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) continues to bring cleaning professionals together to learn and prosper. In April, DLI offers nine events including Defining Culture: How You View Your Team and Clients with Dave Coyle of Maverick Drycleaners on April 17. In addition, Illinois Professional Drycleaners and Launderers offers Educational Extravaganza April 13.

This month’s events include Coyle’s presentation, DLI’s popular Virtual Stain Removal Course, five weekly peer group meetings, another monthly Marketing Lab brainstorming session, one Orientation program for all members, and IPDL’s regional event. DLI offers learning and networking opportunities for drycleaning business owners of all sizes.


Virtual Stain Removal Course Provides Training Without Travel

Now in its fourth year, DLI’s Virtual Stain Removal Course offers drycleaners the opportunity to train staff without time away from the business and extra travel expenses. This seven-day course is a mix of live lectures, videos, and hands-on activities. Classes are given in English and progress is monitored by a series of quizzes and exercises. There is a Final Exam at the end. A minimum of 70% of all the combined scores is required to pass the course. A certificate will be presented to all whom successfully complete the minimum score requirement.

April 30 – May 21, 1–3 p.m. Eastern: DLI’s Virtual Stain Removal Course

This course covers:

  • Removing coffee, ink, grease and other stains from clothing.
  • Identifying cotton, silk, polyester, and other fabrics.
  • Using bleaches without damaging the fabric color.
  • Using specialty products such as digesters, amyl acetate, and acetone in stain removal.
  • Identifying fibers and fabric construction.

More information about all DLI courses is available at DLIonline.org/Education


Featured Online Presentations Enlighten & Entertain

This month’s web presentation focuses on looking at positioning your business as an employer and service provider of choice.

  • April 17 – 1 p.m. Eastern: Company Culture: How You View Your Team and Clients with Dave Coyle of Maverick Drycleaners

Since offering live monthly webinar programs five years ago, DLI has produced more than 150 webinar presentations and archived them in its Online Webinar Library. Program topics include marketing, management, diversifications, and more aspects of running a successful drycleaning business. Full access to the recordings and live presentations is available for all DLI members.

Additional Virtual Programs Keep Members Engaged

In addition to the live presentation on service levels, DLI will host its monthly Membership Orientation program April 3. Not just for new members, the interactive presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits afforded to all members of the association.

DLI’s Marketing Lab will bring cleaners together April 17 to discuss current marketing trends and effective solutions. Recent meetings covered the value of trigger-based marketing, what some members are doing to keep customers happy and using additional services.

  • April 3 – 3 p.m. Eastern: DLI Member Virtual Reception and Orientation

All members are invited to take a tour of DLI’s extended array of money-saving benefits and services.

  • April 17 – 3 p.m. Eastern: DLI’s Marketing Lab

All Members are invited to brainstorm marketing ideas in this monthly Virtual roundtable discussion. This month’s topic is: “How do you use social media to effectively communicate with customers?” Members will share sample marketing pieces.


Weekly Member Peer Meetings Keep Members Connected

Bringing the drycleaning and laundry community together, DLI hosts weekly coffee-and-shop-talk meetings every Tuesday morning on Zoom so members can discuss what’s happening and share new ideas, thoughts, and tips.

  • April 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 – 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern: DLI Peer-To-Peer Membership Zoom Meetings

Members receive invitations to these meetings via email from DLI.


Regional Association Programs Bring Cleaners Together

DLI’s expansive network of regional associations present the following events:


  • April 13 – Illinois Professional Drycleaners & Launderers Education Extravaganza

Hosted by Sankosha. Includes hands-on wetcleaning seminar by Kreussler, update on BRITE program by representatives of Cook County Environmental Sustainability Division, seminars on topics ranging from estate and succession planning to maximizing POS systems, and more.

More information is available at IPDL.org/upcoming-events


Strength in Numbers
DLI extends an open invitation to all fabric care cleaning service providers to join for access to these programs, membership benefits, services, and savings. Learn more at DLIonline.org/Membership or call 800-638-2627 for more information.

DLI exists to help member drycleaners succeed.
Learn more at DLIonline.org
