Allied Trades Partnership Program Signup
All DLI Allied Trades Members are invited to participate in this program.
DLI is 100% invested in helping member drycleaning businesses succeed. With this in mind, our Board developed a new program to help members, you, and DLI at the same time. The new DLI Allied Trades Partnership Program helps strengthen the industry by saving members money, sending customers to you, and encouraging DLI membership.
As a participating DLI Allied Trades Partner, you set the terms for your certificate to new DLI members and/or renewing members. We’ll promote your incentive as part of the program and feature you in our National Clothesline ads, on our site, in emails, and social — anywhere we can to get the word out.
In total, the value of the certificates to new members is more than $2,000. The more robust we can make this incentive, the more beneficial it will be to members, you, and the Institute. Each new membership and renewal strengthens DLI’s ability to represent the industry and influence policy changes that affect all of us.